Shonen manga

It’s a manga category originally targeted at adolescent boys, but shonen manga is probably the most recognised manga category around the world – thanks to the international mega hit of shonen mangas such as “One Piece” and “Naruto”.  So there are many people who consider “Shōnen manga” as a typical manga image, and it is the most popular style of mangas used for advertising campaigns and other commercial projects – as it can appeal to wider audience.

Popular Shonen mangas: One Piece, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Demon Slayer, Spy x Family, Tokyo Ghoul, Jujutsu Kaisen

About CATACI manga-ka (manga artists)

Our manga artists (manga-ka) have been working with various advertising campaigns, package design, products, book covers, etc. We are showing only a few samples here. Please contact us if you wish to commission our manga artists to create Shonen manga artworks and see other samples.